Business Analyst Experience

Bryce Undy, the Managing Director of Technovate Strategic Solutions, has led the business analysis work on numerous web and digital projects.

While engaged with Trades Recognition Australia (at the time part of the Department of Industry), Bryce worked on enhancing the capabilities of the branch.  This included developing a new website, a skills assessment wizard and a client portal.  The entire solution, at least during the initial proof of concept phase, was entirely cloud-based.

The Problem

The Trades Recognition Australia website was built using SharePoint as the Content Management System.  The website structure was overly complex, the location of the webpage was buried deeply in the Department of Industry’s main website, and the language was difficult for the audience (mostly migrants from a non-English background) to understand.  The branch maintained a large administrative team to answer phone calls from confused applicants and the overhead for maintaining the website and the downstream impact was high.

The Approach

Bryce initiated the website redevelopment as a dependency in achieving key objectives for Trades Recognition Australia around improved customer experiences and process improvement in the skills assessment application process.

Bryce worked with the internal stakeholders to identify the pain points with the website, with particular focus on those engaging with the customers and those responsible for maintaining web content.  Bryce also engaged with external stakeholders to gain their view of the website and overall process.

Bryce used this information to clearly articulate the purpose, goals, target audience and content for the new website.

Bryce then developed a set of personas representing internal and external stakeholders.  Bryce combined these personas with customer journeys, clearly identified current concerns but also working with the project stakeholders to articulate the ideal future state.

Bryce also ran sessions with the internal stakeholders to develop a fully articulated content map.

As an innovative initiative, Bryce also worked with the branch to develop a wizard to support customers in finding the most suitable skills assessment pathway.

Bryce also worked with the Department to ensure that the website design was responsive (and thus worked well on mobile devices), and meet the WCAG 2.0AA requirements for accessibility.

The Result

The end result of this project can be found here:

A fully responsive website designed to enhance the user experience.

The website is more easily located, with a stand-alone web address.

Client enquiries have greatly reduced, and the number of applications submitted for the incorrect skills assessment has been reduced due to the Pathfinder tool.

As a result of the reduction in client enquiries, the administrative team has been reduced from eight full time staff to just two staff.

Bryce’s engagement with Trades Recognition Australia has resulted in a very positive outcome for all involved.

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